May 27 2024

May news

Contacting TomatoesNZ

My email address has permanently changed to please use this email address when trying to contact me to ensure that I receive it.

Commodity Levy Renewal – voting starting

As you will be aware by now, TomatoesNZ’s commodity levy is due for renewal and the TNZ board proposed no changes to the current levy terms. Since March, we have been seeking feedback on this proposal in the form of webinars, grower workshops and emails. As a result of this process, the board has confirmed the final proposal of ‘no change’ to the current levy terms. Please see the attached document for more details on this. You can also read about the work that TomatoesNZ has done, and will continue to do, if the proposal is supported. If you support the work being done by TomatoesNZ on behalf of all fresh tomato growers, please take the time to vote. You should have already receiveyour ballot papers by email on 15th May (or in the next few days by post if we don’t have your email address). Please have your say and cast your vote! For your vote to count, you need to complete all sections highlighted here: 

If you haven’t received your ballot papers please contact me, Dinah on 021 922 414 

If you have any questions about this process, please contact either me or the TNZ board chair, Barry O’Neil on 022 108 7007 

You will receive a phone call from a TomatoesNZ board director in the coming weeks, while voting is still open, feel free to also ask them if you have any questions. 

Please also see the TomatoesNZ website Commodity Levy Final Proposal 2024 ( for more information. 


TomatoesNZ Workshop & AGM

TomatoesNZ would like to extend an invitation to all growers to attend a mini conference of presentations that will form part of our AGM. Topics to be covered are:

Hygiene measures to mitigate the threat of viruses

How seed companies are safeguarding our industry

and Learnings for greenhouse integrated pest management from our trial with A Lighter Touch trial using biological controls

Date: 8th August

Venue: Navigation Homes Stadium, Franklin Road, Pukekohe

Time: 12pm – 5pm


A travel subsidy is available for those attending in person from outside of the Auckland region. Contact me for more details on how to apply


Marc Groenewegen

TomatoesNZ was thrilled that Marc – a passionate and extremely knowledgeable covered crop grower from the Netherlands was able to share some of his expertise with our industry at a Q&A session at the end of March. Marc covered topics such as agrichems, growers using less energy as a result of increasing fuel prices, achieving balance, vigour and good fruit quality when moving from winter to spring like conditions, Marc’s experiences and knowledge of ToBRFV. For the last topic, Marc advice was 2 fold – keep it out of the country and improve greenhouse hygiene levels so that they become standard in every growing site so that you can hope to keep it out of your business. This has, in part, sparked our inclusion of good hygiene practises as a topic at our AGM presentations. 


Marc addressing audience

Fall Army Worm (FAW)

Over the summer months populations of FAW were found up and down the country feeding on their preferred food of corn and maize. Now that these crops have been harvested, FAW is still present in New Zealand and will seek out alternative food sources. This COULD mean that a FAW moth might fly into a greenhouse and feed on your crops. Please be vigilant when scouting – know what the caterpillar looks like and inspect yellow sticky traps for the moths. If you aren’t sure, please photograph what you see (using the guide below) and email me:  I can help you get an identification and advice on how to get rid of the pest should you find it. Here is a guide on what to photograph

New Seed testing pricing at PHEL

Due to new measures that are in place regarding how seed is now tested at PHEL, there has been a reduction in pricing as follows. It is imperative that all seed coming into New Zealand is free of viruses.

