Exotic Pest Fact Sheets
The Exotic Pest Fact Sheets have been updated (Jan 2024) with current information as follows:
Tomatoes New Zealand plays a role in helping to keep new pests entering and establishing in New Zealand.
The Exotic Pest Fact Sheets have been updated (Jan 2024) with current information as follows:
Following detection of Pepino Mosaic Virus in Auckland, TomatoesNZ have been working closely with Biosecurity NZ to try and determine the...
The biosecurity manual was last updated in June 2020 in collaboration with the vegetable sector product groups and with support from a...
Two small populations of an unwanted horticultural pest, the tomato red spider mite (Tetranychus evansi), have been found by Biosecurity...
January 2020The Fresh Tomato Biosecurity Readiness and Response Levy commences on 3rd February 2020.For growers this means that a...
4 February 2019Update on Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) activitiesOver the past few months there has been a lot of activity around BMSB...
Farm or site biosecurity is "management practices and activities that are carried out on your property to prevent the entry and spread of...
July 2018Successful partnership prevented establishment of new pestMPI and affected industry GIA partners including TomatoesNZ have agreed...
An exotic pest arrives – What happens next?The arrival of an exotic pest or disease can rapidly impact on a grower’s livelihood together...
Government Industry Agreements – What is industry’s role?
Tomatoes New Zealand (TNZ Inc.) and Vegetables New Zealand Inc. (VNZ Inc.) have...
Farm biosecurity for indoor tomato growersWhat is Farm Biosecurity?It has been estimated that plant pests are responsible for up to 15...
Some pests and diseases are known to be present in New Zealand, meaning that they are found here, perhaps in certain areas or at particular...
Please find details about the Fruit Fly response that TomatoesNZ is part of, following the detection of a single Oriental male fruit fly in...